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On this page you will find a list of all downloadable files available on WeetHet.nl

The filenames, purpose, size and related links are presented in the tabel below.

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Available Files

Filename Date/Version Purpose Links
Alcatel Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 2.61
861 Kb
Firmware 261 for the Alcatel SpeedTouch Home (ISDN) ADSL modems. Alcatel Hack
Alcatel hack problems solved
How to upgrade the Alcatel SpeedTouch firmware
Alcatel Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 2.81
861 Kb
Firmware 281 for the Alcatel SpeedTouch Home (ISDN) ADSL modems. Alcatel Hack
Alcatel hack problems solved
How to upgrade the Alcatel SpeedTouch firmware
Alcatel Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 2.61
846 Kb
Firmware 261 for the Alcatel SpeedTouch Home (Analog/POTS) ADSL modems. Alcatel Hack
Alcatel hack problems solved
How to upgrade the Alcatel SpeedTouch firmware
Alcatel Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 2.81
861 Kb
Firmware 281 for the Alcatel SpeedTouch Home (Analog/POTS) ADSL modems. Alcatel Hack
Alcatel hack problems solved
How to upgrade the Alcatel SpeedTouch firmware
AlcatelPWD 2003-01-01
4 Kb
Password generator for the Alactel modem hack. Alcatel Hack
AlcatelShell 2003-01-01
589 Kb
Alcatel Speed Touch, Command Line Interface reference manual. Alcatel Hack
Problems after applying the Alcatel Hack
APGenerator 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
457 Kb
apPopupMenu Generator version 0.99.39. Menu generator for the apPopupMenu Java applet. Note: this is a draft tool for personal use! Navigating websites with apPopupMenu by www.apycom.com
AresCom Config Tool 2003-01-01
2 Kb
Default config files of Zonnet for the Arescom NetDSL 1000 Router. Hacking the Arescom router
AYeah Catalog 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
272 Kb
A free disk catalogger. No extra's needed, just click the executable and use it. Stores data in ASCII or compressed. AYeah!Catalogger
AYeah Catalog 2003-01-01
Version 0.9 src
143 Kb
Borland Delphi sources of Ayeah!Catalog. AYeah!Catalogger
BasicStamp Editor 2003-01-01
Version 1.3
1516 Kb
Windows editor for the Parallax Basic-Stamp 2 microcontroller. This is verison 1.3. Connecting the Basic Stamp to your PC
Introduction to the Basic Stamp 2
BasicStamp II Examples 2003-01-01
5 Kb
Basic-Stamp 2 example source codes for controlling the Hitachi LCD panel. Controlling an LCD display using the Basic Stamp
BasicStamp LCD 2003-01-01
95 Kb
Word document about connecting an Hitachi 44780 controller based LCD display. Controlling an LCD display using the Basic Stamp
Bin2Iso 2003-03-27
Version 2.0
9 Kb
Converts a BIN file (when the CUE file is missing!) to an ISO file which then can be burned to CD. Burning an ISO with Nero
Burning BIN/CUE files with Nero
BootVis 2003-01-01
249 Kb
Tool for optimizing the Windows XP boot sequence. Booting Windows XP faster
CardMaster 2003-04-05
Version 2.1
1022 Kb
CardMaster - Generic version for programming SmartCards. CardMaster
CardMaster 2003-04-05
Version 2.x
589 Kb
CardMaster - Mini Millenium version for programming SmartCards. CardMaster
CardMaster 2003-04-05
Version 2.x
626 Kb
CardMaster - ChipDrive mini version for programming SmartCards. CardMaster
CCE ECL 2005-01-23
Version 1.81
138 Kb
Tool required for D.I.K.O. to link to CCE SP. DivX to KDVD/KSVCD using D.I.K.O.
CDR Identifier 2003-01-01
Version 1.63
109 Kb
Identifies characteristics of CD-recordables and CD-rewriteables (not all CD-writers support this!). How CD's work
How to create my own CD's
CharMap Pro 2003-01-01
Version 1.0
198 Kb
Enhanced Character Map for Windows.  
ChipCard 2003-01-01
Version 2.14
2272 Kb
Application used to edit mobile phone SIM cards using for example the MasterA smartcard programmer. Editing the phonebook of your mobile phone using the MasterA
CinemaCraft Encoder 2003-01-01
Version 2.6 Trial
1551 Kb
Cinema Craft Encoder SP (v2.62) TRAIL/DEMO version. This version works OK with DVDx and FlaskMPEG. How to copy a DVD to (Super) VideoCD
CorelPaint Yamakawa 2003-01-01
5 Kb
Yamakawa conversion scripts for use with Corel PhotoPaint (v.8.). How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
D.I.K.O. Menu Maker 2005-01-23
Version 0.062
659 Kb
Generates menu image files for D.I.K.O. DVD authoring. DivX to KDVD/KSVCD using D.I.K.O.
DI27 Tool 2003-01-01
60 Kb
PalmPilot software for supporting the Ericsson DI27 infrared module for mobile phones. Infrared communication between PalmPilot and Ericsson mobile phones
DivX 3.11 2003-01-01
Version 3.11
698 Kb
The original DivX 3.11 alpha codec. Visit DivX.com for the new codecs. What is DivX?
DivX Logo's 2003-01-01
51 Kb
My own designed DivX logos in Adobe Photoshop format. What is DivX?
DIVXG400 2003-01-01
Version 2.70
189 Kb
Subtitle display software for use with DivX movies. Initially designed for Matrox G400 VideoCards. How to rip subtitles from a DVD
How to create your own MicroDVD
DR-TCP 2003-01-01
24 Kb
Edit MTU settings of Windows with this cool application. Be carefull with using it! ADSL trouble
DVD Audio Ripper 2003-10-19
Version 1.02
1216 Kb
Tool for ripping audio tracks from DVD's. Very suitable for converting Audio- or Music-DVD's to MP3's or WAV's. This is a trial version. Ripping Audio DVD's to MP3's or WAV's
DVDShrink 2003-06-16
Version 2.3
368 Kb
Copy a commercial DVD (often DVD-9) to a DVD recordabe (DVD-5) in a matter of minutes. Only copy a part of the DVD or the entire DVD (incl. menus, extras, etc). This version only has the english locale! DVDShrink.org
DVDShrink 2003-04-05
Version 1.3
218 Kb
(Old version) Copy a commercial DVD (often DVD-9) to a DVD recordabe (DVD-5) in a matter of minutes. Only copy a part of the DVD or the entire DVD (incl. menus, extras, etc). DVDShrink.org
DVDShrink 2003-06-11
Version 2.2
1093 Kb
Copy a commercial DVD (often DVD-9) to a DVD recordabe (DVD-5) in a matter of minutes. Only copy a part of the DVD or the entire DVD (incl. menus, extras, etc). This version includes all available languages. DVDShrink.org
DVDShrink 2005-12-04
Version 3.2
1094 Kb
Copy a commercial DVD (often DVD-9) to a DVD recordabe (DVD-5) in a matter of minutes. Only copy a part of the DVD or the entire DVD (incl. menus, extras, etc). This version only has the english locale! DVDShrink.org
DVDx 2003-03-17
Version 2.2
2138 Kb
DVDx 2.2 - Tool for ripping/copying DVD's to DivX, MPEG1 (VideoCD), MPEG2 (Super VideoCD) or other video formats. Note: Support the author! He offers paid access to his forums for support. DVD to DivX conversion using DVDx
DVD to (Super) VideoCD conversion usignDVDx
EON Filters 2003-01-01
1 Kb
Filters for the Hauppauge/Technotrend DVB Data application (v1.22). Installing a TechnoTrend/Hauppauge DVB card
Ericsson Display doc 2003-01-01
4 Kb
Scematics for hooking up an LCD panel from an Ericsson phone to your PC. Connecting an LCD panel to your PC
How to control an LCD panel with your BasicStamp
Ericsson Musicbox 2003-01-01
138 Kb
Utility for playing Ericsson ringtones on your PC. How to use MusicBox?
Ericsson rintones (A)
Ericsson Ringtones 2003-01-01
22 Kb
All ringtones available at Weethet for Ericsson mobile phones in one single file (MusicBox compatible!). How to use MusicBox?
Ericsson rintones (A)
FFDShow 2005-01-23
Version 20041012
1930 Kb
DirectShow filter that fixes a lot of DivX and XviD issues (like green screen, green artifacts and garbled screens). Must have for DivX/XviD users. Includes playback capabilities for most AVI formats.  
FlasKMPEG 2003-01-01
Version 0.593
937 Kb
FlaskMPEG 0.593 - DVD ripping and converting tool. DVD to DivX conversion method 1, method 2 and method 3
FlasKMPEG 2003-01-01
Version 0.6 + 0.61
1821 Kb
FlaskMPEG 0.6 preview and the update in one single archive. How to copy a DVD to (Super) VideoCD
FSRaid 2004-03-21
Version 2.80
355 Kb
FSRaid is a tool by Fluid Studio for creating and using PAR files. What are PAR files and how to use FSRaid
GetAlcatelPWD 2003-06-10
1 Kb
PERL script that calculates the Expert password of an Alcatel SpeedTouch Home modem, just in case you would like to hack yours. Thanks to Bas. Alcatel Calculator
Alcatel modem hack
GetMyIP 2005-03-30
Version 1.0
389 Kb
Retrieve your Public (Internet) IP address. GetMyIP how to use it
GlideWrapper 2005-11-05
Version 0.78
220 Kb
Wrapper for games that rely on the 3DFx VooDoo Glide libraries - works awesome even with games like Carmageddon 2. GlideWrapper Homepage
GoldCard 2003-01-01
245 Kb
Gold*Card 1.40 programmer software for the Millennium programmer. How to program Goldcards with the Millennium programmer
GSpot 2004-08-08
Version 2.2.1
142 Kb
Tool for analyzing AVI files. Find out which codecs are needed and which ones are installed on your PC. Welke Codecs gebruikt mijn AVI?
Hansies Tools 2003-01-01
Version 1.0
6 Kb
Include file for Borland Delphi (sources) with some usefull commonly used routines. Freeware! Hansies Delphi Tools
HeadAC3he 2004-08-13
86 Kb
Audio converter (for example AC3 to WAV). DVD to DVD?R(W)
InfinityUSB 2003-04-05
Version 1.20
401 Kb
InfinityUSB - Great software for programming SmartCards.Only for InfinityUSB hardware. InfinityUSB
LCD DOS Demo 2003-01-01
Version 1.0
14 Kb
Turbo Pascal application for working with an Hitachi based LCD display in DOS. Connecting an LCD panel to your PC
How to control an LCD panel with your BasicStamp
LCD Linux device 2003-01-01
Version 1.0
12 Kb
Linux device driver and application for working with the Hitachi based LCD displays. Connecting an LCD panel to your PC
How to control an LCD panel with your BasicStamp
LeechFTP 2004-09-08
Version 1.3
620 Kb
Free multi thread FTP application. Very easy to use. LeechFTP Homepage
LeechGuy 2007-08-06
Version 2.0-7B807
59 Kb
LeechGuy - A tool for downloading files from web-based (DNR) newservers like NewsGuy
UPDATED: Fixed NewsGuy article incomplete issue.
How to use LeechGuy
LeechGuy INI Editor
LeechGuy Editor 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
188 Kb
Newsgrouplist editor for LeechGuy 2.x. Newsgrouplist editor for LeechGuy
LeechGuy for downloading from newsgroups
Look@LAN 2004-09-05
Version 2.50
2160 Kb
Scans your network for possible clients. Ideal to find out what the IP address is of certain equipment in the network. Hack the DirecTiVo
Look@Lan homepage
M.U.F.Y (lang) 2003-01-01
6 Kb
Language files for M.U.F.Y. the Yamakawa tool. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
How to use M.U.F.Y.
M.U.F.Y. 2003-01-01
809 Kb
M.U.F.Y. - A tool for creating MP3 CD's for the Yamakawa. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
How to use M.U.F.Y.
MasterBurner 2003-04-05
Version 2.0
181 Kb
MasterBurner - Great software for programming SmartCards. Suitable for MasterCRD, SC-Master Phoenix, MasterA, VX-Multi, VP-20, and Multiprog-XL hardware. MasterBurner
Menu Generator 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
199 Kb
Menustructure generator for PopupMenuApplet by David Binard. Website Navigation - Using PopupMenuApplet by David Binard
MicroDVD 2003-01-01
Version 1.02
1639 Kb
MicroDVD for playback of DivX movies with subtitles. Version 1.02. Rippig subtitles
MKBT 2004-07-06
Version 2.0
20 Kb
Copy (read and write) bootsectors from floppies to other floppies/USB thumbdrives. How to boot your PC from an USB thumbdrive
MP3 Yami 2003-01-01
Version 1.02
459 Kb
BMP conversion tool for the Yamakawa. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
MP3Gain 2003-06-30
Version 1.0.0
2168 Kb
MP3Gain allows you to adjust and normalize the volume of your MP3 files. Using MP3Gain for nomalizing MP3's
MSVCP60.DLL 2005-01-23
79 Kb
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 DLL. Sometimes D.I.K.O. requires this. DivX to KDVD/KSVCD using D.I.K.O.
MSVCR70.DLL 2005-01-30
Version 7.0.9466.0
147 Kb
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET DLL. Sometimes D.I.K.O. requires this. DivX to KDVD/KSVCD using D.I.K.O.
Network Sniffer 2003-01-01
384 Kb
Network sniffer - freeware. Snifs for example UDP and TCP IP packets. Hacken van de Arescom router
NRGtoISO 2005-01-23
358 Kb
NRG to ISO converter. Converts a Nero NRG file (CD Image) to a standard ISO CD Image file.  
Optrex DMC 50652 BS 2003-05-11
4 Kb
BasicStamp 1 and BasicStamp 2 examples for controlling the Optrex DMC50652N or Seiko/IIS C456002A LCD displays. BasicStamp and Optrex DMC50652N LCD
Palm GSM Tool 2003-01-01
41 Kb
PalmPilot software for supporting all Ericsson mobile phones and infrared modules. Infrared communication between PalmPilot and Ericsson mobile phones
PCPlayer 2003-01-01
249 Kb
Utility for playback of Yamakawa MP3 CD's on your PC. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
PDA deMux 2003-01-01
4 Kb
Converts a PVA file to a separate MPEG2 audio and video file. How to convert PVA files to MPEG2 files?
Popup Overview Gen 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
167 Kb
Creates a single HTML file showing all menu items used by the PopupMenuApplet by David Binard. Website Navigation - Using PopupMenuApplet by David Binard
PopupMenuAppler 2003-01-01
Version 2.80
6 Kb
Java applet: PopupMenuApplet by David Binard. Website Navigation - Using PopupMenuApplet by David Binard
Premiere Registrty fix 2003-01-01
1 Kb
Registry fix, that makes other programs believe Adobe Premiere is installed. For use with Cinema Craft Encoder. How to copy a DVD to (Super) VideoCD
Promise FastTrak 2003-01-01
Version 1.00
341 Kb
BIOS for the Promise Ultra 100 controller including Flash tool for making it a RAID controller. Converting a Promise Ultra 100 to a RAID controller
Putty Telnet 2004-05-20
Version 0.58
201 Kb
Telnet and SSH program which is slick and easy to use. Alcatel Hack
DirecTiVo OS4 Hack
DirecTiVo download video
PVA2MPEG 2003-01-01
19 Kb
Converts a PVA file to a separate MPEG2 audio and video file. How to convert PVA files to MPEG2 files?
PVAS 2003-01-01
Version 2.014
809 Kb
PVAstrumento: a tool for converting PVA files, generated either by Hauppauge/Technotrend DVB cards or MultiDec, to MPEG2 files. How to convert PVA files to MPEG2 files?
PX3's AC3 to WAV 2003-07-07
Version 0.0.4
241 Kb
PX3's AC3 to WAV tool, converts an AC3 track to any audio format supported by the codecs on your PC. AC3 audio to WAV/MP3
AVI with AC3 audio to MPEG1/2
Radium MP3 codec 2003-01-01
Version 1.20
904 Kb
Radium MP3 codec (modified Frauenhof codec). What is MP3?
How to create an MP3
RedialMax 2003-01-01
1 Kb
Registry tweak for improving redail speeds on Dialup Adapters in Windows 9x. Setup of an Internet Connection with a dialup adapter
Signature Quoter 2003-01-01
196 Kb
E-Mail signature quoter. Adds a daily quote to your signature. Outlook compatible and Freeware! Samples included. Signature Quoter
SmartRipper 2003-01-01
Version 2.41
384 Kb
SmartRipper 2.41 - The best ripper around, for ripping DVD-movies to your harddrive. Ripping a DVD to harddisk
Strong STR8000 firmware 2003-01-01
Version 9b
799 Kb
Strong SRT8000 satellite receiver firmware by Emperor and H2DeeToo known as release v9b FINAL (patchrun 9). How to update the firmware of a Strong SRT8000
Strong STR8000 firmware 2003-01-01
Version 2.0
2709 Kb
Official Strong SRT8000 satellite receiver firmware V20 including loader (for flashing) software. How to update the firmware of a Strong SRT8000
SubRip 2003-01-01
549 Kb
SubRip (version 0.97b) - a tool for ripping subtitles from VOB files (DVD). Ripping subtitles
SubSync 2003-01-01
2373 Kb
Excellent tool for syncing your subtitles with your DivX movie. How to sync subtitles with your DivX
Telindus Admin Tools 2003-01-01
3221 Kb
Remote Management software for the Arescom NetDSL 1000 Router. Hacking the Arescom router
Thunder FlasKMpeg plugin 2003-01-01
131 Kb
Subtitle fix for FlaskMPEG 0.6 preview. How to copy a DVD to (Super) VideoCD
TiVo Sleeper 2004-06-16
Version 1.02
15569 Kb
TiVo Sleeper v1.02 ISO file. Used to hack series 2 TiVo's. TiVo Sleeper hacking DirecTV TiVo's
DirecTV TiVo's remote control hacks
TiVo USB 2.0 Drivers 2005-03-26
Version 2.4.18
98 Kb
USB 2.0 drivers for the DirecTiVo OS4.x hack. TiVo OS 4.x on your DirecTiVo
TyTools 2006-01-01
Version 9r14
658 Kb
TyTool and tserver for extracting recordings from your TiVo. Copy movies from your TiVo to you PC
DirecTiVo OS 6.2 hack
DirecTiVo OS 4.x hack
DirecTiVo Sleeper hack
TyTools 2006-01-01
Version 9r18
914 Kb
TyTool and tserver for extracting recordings from your TiVo. Copy movies from your TiVo to you PC
DirecTiVo OS 6.2 hack
DirecTiVo OS 4.x hack
DirecTiVo Sleeper hack
TyTools 2006-01-03
Version 10r4
858 Kb
TyTool and tserver for extracting recordings from your TiVo. Copy movies from your TiVo to you PC
DirecTiVo OS 6.2 hack
DirecTiVo OS 4.x hack
DirecTiVo Sleeper hack
UT2004 NoCD Patch 2004-04-14
Version 1.0
76 Kb
Run UT2004 without having to insert the original CD or DVD over and over again. Rename existing UT2004.exe en place this one instead.  
VobSub 2003-01-01
Version 2.18
665 Kb
Subtitle display software for use with DivX movies. Very cool tool, works with Microsoft Mediaplayer! How to rip subtitles from a DVD
How to create your own MicroDVD
WeetHet Bitrate Calculator 2003-01-01
Version 0.9
253 Kb
Bitrate calculator I made for use when converting a DVD to DivX, VCD or SVCD. What are bitrates and how to use them?
Win95 Socket update 2003-01-01
906 Kb
Windows 95 WinSock 2.0 update. Installing a Harmonic Cyberstream SAT1
WinMX 2003-04-07
Version 3.31
1630 Kb
WinMX v3.31 - Napster clone for sharing files (MP3, Movies, Programs) over the Internet. Sharing files with WinMX
WinMX 2005-12-18
Version 3.53
830 Kb
WinMX v3.53 - Napster clone for sharing files (MP3, Movies, Programs) over the Internet. Sharing files with WinMX
XviD 2005-01-23
Version 1.0.3 2012
620 Kb
Xvid video codec. Open Source alternative to the DivX codec. This is freeware. Introduction to DivX
DivX to KDVD/KSVCD using D.I.K.O.
Yamaka YST 2003-01-01
Version 0.99a
216 Kb
Utility for inserting custom backgrounds in Yamakawa firmware. How to change the Yamakawa's background
Yamakawa BIN Viewer 2003-01-01
336 Kb
Yamakawa utility for displaying BIN files. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
Yamakawa Bitmap tool 2003-01-01
64 Kb
Bitmap tools (MKLOGO.EXE and CBIN.EXE) for the Yamakawa. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 BT
353 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 for Yamakawa 713, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 BT
353 Kb
Firmware 05.54 (patched) version for Yamakawa 713, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A3 BT
408 Kb
Firmware version 06.A3 for Yamakawa 713, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A3 BT
411 Kb
Firmware version 06.A3 (patched) for Yamakawa 713, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 CS
354 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 for Yamakawa 713, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 CS
354 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 (patched) for Yamakawa 713, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 CS
398 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 for Yamakawa 713, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 CS
400 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 (patched) for Yamakawa 713, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 BT
352 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 for Yamakawa 715, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 BT
351 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 (patched) for Yamakawa 715, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 BT
396 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 for Yamakawa 715, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 BT
399 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 (patched) for Yamakawa 715, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 CS
353 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 for Yamakawa 715, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.554 CS
353 Kb
Firmware version 05.54 (patched) for Yamakawa 715, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 CS
397 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 for Yamakawa 715, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 0.6A2 CS
399 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 (patched) for Yamakawa 715, CS-Chipset (SCART versions) Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-01-01
Version 3H
427 Kb
Original firmware version 3H for the Yamakawa 715 (no SCART) suitable for changing it's background. How to change the Yamakawa's background
Yamakawa Firmware 2003-05-05
Version 0.6A2 BT
398 Kb
Firmware version 06.A2 (patched) for Yamakawa 715, BT-Chipset (non SCART versions) which supports miniDVD. Update you Yamakawa's firmware
Yamakawa Menu 2003-01-01
135 Kb
Tool for generating HTML/JAVA pages of your Yamakawa MP3 CD's. How to make an MP3 CD for the Yamakawa
Yamakawa Sample Logo 2003-01-01
345 Kb
My own custom background for my Yamakawa DVD player. How to change the Yamakawa's background



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