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WeetHet is being updated! - Current articles will slowly move to www.tweaking4all.com
For excellent webhosting that is reliable and affordable, we highly recommend: LiquidWeb

On this page ...

Here you can find some statistics on the WeetHet website, like the frequency of hits and the amount of available pages, etc.

The chart is being generated automatically on the fly as you open this page so it will be up-to-date as you see it. Note: Some browsers cache files, which might result in a chart that will not be updated after a reload/refresh.

In the chart below, you will see the amount of "hits" (pages consulted) on a weekly basis of WeetHet.

Tip: If the chart does not refresh after reloading this page, the your webbrowser has some cache settings that are set to cash the values as well. Set to refresh each time you visit a page.

Statistics ...


HTML Documents 2386 files
Image files 2291 files
Downloadables 129 files

It takes about 2 full days (48 hours) to create a more comprehensive page. This includes translating, graphics, testing, reviewing, etc. Some typos seem unavoidable ... I'm sorry about that.
Besides building pages, I receive about 500 emails weekly concerning my website.
