On this page ...
Newsgroups and LeechGuy ...
Update: NewsGuy increases download limit to 30
Downloading file from the Internet is not always as easy as it
seems... where can I get the files?
Most files (MP3's, Warez, Software, Movies, etc) can be found in
the Usenet Newsgroups. However: it's very hard to find a
good Newsserver (NNTP) that support the so called alt.binaries.*
groups ...
Companies like NewsGuy
offer you full access to all of these groups using a web-based interface.
But downloading files here is cumbersome. LeechGuy fixes this ... NewsGuy is relatvely cheap: $14.95/month or $99.95/year (= $8.33/month).
Friendly request, for supporting WeetHet in covering hosting costs:
When subscribing to the NewsGuy services,
please mention "WeetHet" at the referred
Note: These services are NOT FREE, but inexpensive
anyway ...
- NewsGuy:
- limited to 30 Gb per month (additional bandwith can be purchased),
- maximum of 6 simultanious downloads,
- very good retention (the articles remain available longer!)
- supports yEnc!.


Page overview
LeechGuy - or how to download
Usenet files
written by Marcel E., is the (almost) perfect tool for downloading
files placed in Usenet newsgroups. It facilitates the DNR interfacing
which brings us to a big plus and a little minus.
Note: regular News-Servers use NNTP
interfacing (like Outlook Express does). LeechGuy is not compatible
with regular NewsServers! Only web-based news-providers are supported!
The first plus is that you can access newsproviders like NewsGuy which brings us to the little minus: you have to pay in order to use
it. Like I said: a little minus, the about $8 ($99.95/year, or
on a per month basis: $14.95/month) a month is well worth it !
I'd actually suggest using NewsGuy.
NewsGuy does limit the daily downloads to maximum 30 Gbyte (6 simultanious downloads).
you subscribe to NewsGuy,
please mention WEETHET!
An other plus: these news-provider
(from now on refered to as NewsGuy)
do not cut out the less legal newsgroups like alt.binaries.warez,
alt.binaries.mp3 and alt.binaries.movies.
Also: they don't cut down
the message size. Some regular news-servers cut down the size to (for
example) 250 Kilobytes, therefor killing the fullsize file attached to
the message and thus rendering the message useless.
Yet another plus: the DNR interface is faster. Each file
you wish to download is decoded back to regular binaries instead of larger
uucoded or mimed messages. Downloads are simply MUCH faster.
So if you plan to do a lot of downloading (and YES there are a lot of
usefull files out there !) from the Usenet Newsgroups: JOIN NewsGuy NOW and start using LEECHGUY.
Where to get LeechGuy ?
Well, simply download it at LeechGuy's
website, or directly here,
it's freeware (ain't this cool or what !?).
Note: this manual is based on version
2.0 beta, this page will be adapted to a new version if needed.
Setup LeechGuy
This is a point where you should pay attention.
The setup is simple, once you know how it's done.
- Download LeechGuy
- Unzip the file ZIP-file
to a directory where you want LeechGuy to stay (for example C:\Program
- Double click LeechGuy.exe to start
LeechGuy (you might want to make a shortcut first), then this page appears:

Setting Preferences
So LeechGuy has been started, now it's time to do the
settings. In this manual I assume you will be using NewsGuy as the news-provider.
Click "File" - "Preferences...",
the following screen should appear:

Account Tab
Although initially designed for NewsGuy the settings allow you to use it for other providers too, like EasyNews.
At the field "News Service Provider"
you select the news provider you wish to use. For example "NewsGuy
Extra" (which is the regular NewsGuy account).
In the field "Retrieve by" you can
selected (optional) the order of messages appearing. For example by Subject,
Author or Date.
I can only advise you to use LeechGuy in combination
with FlashGet, if
you do want to use FlashGet, then please set "Downloads"
to zero. LeechGuy does has it's own download facilities - used if Downloads
is not set to zero.
Finally enter your Username and Password
here and click the "Add"-button.
If you are a member of multiple services, then you
can enter these here too by repeating this sequence.
Proxy Tab
Note: Most users do NOT need a proxy
- if that is the situation, the make sure that "Use a proxy
server" is NOT CHECKED! And continue witrh the next tab
(the Download Tab).
Check "Use a proxy server" if you want
to work with LeechGuy in combination with a proxy (Internet by Satellite
users or users that use LeechGuy at the company that uses a proxy for
browsing the web, need to enter the proper proxy here!).
TIP: To make life easy on you check "Get
proxy settings from registry".
Manual configuration is very well possible too, but
if you're like me hopping from proxy to proxy to get the max speed, you'd
go for the option where LeechGuy figures out the proxy himself.
Don't forget to check "Require proxy authentication"
and enter both username and password incase this is needed
for the proxy you are using (for example a company proxy or Internet by

Download Tab
Here you can enter default download settings, like download-path,
Copy these settings show below if you're going to be
using FlashGet.
The advantage of FlashGet is that it offers a more reliable,
faster and more flexible way of downloading files.
Downloads etc. are set to zero so LeechGuy
will not start downloading by itself. The "Default path"
is irrelevant when using FlashGet:

Queue tab
The default settings are OK here, specially when using

Click "OK" when done.
Getting the files you want
Now LeechGuy is setup for starting your first download.
Note: setup FlashGet
too if you plan to use FlashGet for
downloading the files!
Just for the purpose of an example:
let's assume you want to download movies (avi/mpeg/whatever) from the
newsgroup alt.binaries.movies.
Here's what to do:
1. Select the service you wish to use
Let's say we want to use NewsGuy,
select "NewsGuy Extra" from the "Service"

2. Select the newsgroup you wish to see
In the field "Newsgroup"
you can type the name of the newsgroup you wish to retrieve, in our example
you type "alt.binaries.movies".
Note: Once a particular group
has been entered and used, LeechGuy will save it. Later you can quickly
access these groups by using the dropdown box.

3. Start getting the headers op the
Note: if you have retrieved
another newsgroup before (ie. if the "Articles" box is
not empty) you should click the "Clear" button first
to avoid confusion!
Now click the "Go" button
(next to the "Newsgroup" field).
LeechGuy will now start to retrieve all
the headers of the articles currently in this newsgroup.
Note: This operation can
be cancelled by clicking the "Cancel" button!
Note: in the lower right
corner of LeechGuy you will find a small Windows. This window has been
added by Marcel for his personal debugging while developing LeechGuy.
For us users, we can read some of the actions. For example, after clicking
the "Go" button a brief notice will appear here indicating
that retrieval has been started:

In case something goes wrong (for example: "Invalid
password" or "Unknown User"), you can read that here too.
4. Wait ...
Now we have to wait for the results.
You will notice that LeechGuy is done when
- The "Cancel" button get's grayed
- The text "Done retrieving headers"
appears in the little debug window
The "Articles" box is now filled with
article headers, ready to be selected. The list remains empty incase there
where now downloadable files in this newsgroup!

5. Select the files ...
In the "Articles" box you can now select
the files you want. However, before you start you will need some additional
info on the icons placed in front of the headers.
This article is INCOMPLETE and cannot be
downloaded |
This article has been tagged and has been
added to the queue ready for download |
This article has been downloaded or copied
from the queue to the clipboard (ie. FlashGet) |
This article is being downloaded at this moment
by LeechGuy itself! |
Note: An article can become incomplete!
So you cannot download this one ...
Now select some files just the way you are used to do
in the Windows Explorer.
In order to tag them for download either by double
clicking the article header, right click one of the selected files
and select "Download" or go to the menu "Article"
and select "Download".
Once tagged for download this icon appears in front
of the selected: 
Select all the files you want. Keep in mind though that
movies for example are rather large (usually 600 to 1600 Mb per movie)
and are commonly split into multiple files (usually RAR or ZIP).
You will need all these files to get a complete movie! So select the files
themovie.r00, themovie.r01, themovie.r02, themovie.r03, ... themovie.rnn
and themovie.rar.
Rar and Zip files can be unpacked using
Sometimes these files come with so called PAR
(.par, .p01, ... etc.) files, enabling you to recover a missing file.
Download these too! Tools like FSRAID or SmartPAR are needed!
Now it's time to start the actual download.
We plan to use FlashGet for this. FlashGet is capable
to read the tags form LeechGuy. There is a little bug though: when just
one file is selected, FlashGet will not register this one. You'll need
to go to FlashGet and select "Paste URL" to start this
single file to download.
To start the download (FlashGet must be running) right
click the box "Queue" - select "Copy Queue to
clipboard" from the popup menu:

If everything is done properly, FlashGet will
appear with a window similar to this one:

Select "OK" here and FlashGet responds
with a new window with a lot of setting-possibilities (which we definitly
are going to need!):

Required settings - DON'T change other settings:
1. Save To:
You can change the directory to download to here - this is not required.
2. Proxy:
Make sure the proper proxies are selected here (see FlashGet
setup). Most users work with the default "Direct Connection",
but Proxy users must select the proper proxy here!
3. Split file:
For maximum performance change the to somewhere between 1 (= not
split) and 10.
I found 6 (limitation of NewsGuy)
to be a good value.
4. Login to Server:
In order to authenticate you as a NewsGuy user, you will need to
check this and enter your username and password here.
5. Start:
If you want to: you can check "Immediately".
When done setting these values click "OK". Now FlashGet
will ask you if you'de like to use these settings for all the files, answer
this by selecting "Yes" in the dialog. Downloading will
start now.
When returning to LeechGuy you will notice
for the files copied to the clipboard. Communication between LeechGuy
and FlashGet is done using the clipboard.
Some tips to make life a bit
easier ...
- When looking for a particular article, you might
want to use the search function (CTRFL+F or click
- You can click on the headers in the Articles box
to sort the articles, either by name, filename, date, poster,
- Articles can be removed using a Filter. This can
be done by clicking the Filter button (
The neat thing about this filter is that it by default removes the articles
that mathc the criteria you enter. By checking the option "Inverted",
all articles except the ones that match the criteria, are being deleted.
- I made a little INI editor for LeechGuy -
Read this page for details.