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Words in our glossary starting with "U" ...

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UBBCode? tags allow you to add formatting (bold, italics) and other information (emails, URLs) to your messages without learning HTML! They were created by Infopop, who run the Groundspeak forum software.

This means that a satellite receiver has a piece of Flash memory available for placing specific decoding software. Specific meang; decoding software for a certain encoding system, for example, SECA, Irdeto, or SEAC2, etc.

(User Datagram Protocol) Uses a special type of packet called a datagram. Datagrams do not require a response, they are one way only. Datagrams are usually used for streaming media.

UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service)
Standard for the new digital mobile phone communication, offering broadband for your mobile phone.

Having a design on only one side, the other side being absolutely plain.

Transmitting data TO another computer in a network or on the Internet. See also Downloading.

Universal Plug aNd Play hopes to do for network connected devices what Windows Plug and Play does for computer connected peripherals, i.e. automatic installation and configuration.The key thing is a feature called "NAT Transversal", which applications can use to automatically open the ports they need in a router's firewall. See the official UPnP website (http://www.upnp.org) for more details.

This concerns software in a satellite receiver which controls the adjustment of a satellite dish with a rotor. The software can position a rotatable dish (DiSEqC 1.2) perfectly for a certain number of satellites.

USB / USB 2.0
(Abveration) Universal Serial Bus. An improved interface seen as the successor or the old serial-interface (COM-port) allowing up to 128 devices to one single port. Currently two variants are available USB 1.1 (the old one) and USB 2.0 (the newer and much faster one). See also the article on this website on USB.

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