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DA / DAC (Digital to Analog Convertor)
Digital to Analog Convertor. Transforms bits and bytes to analog information. For example your soundcard in your PC converts a WAV or MP3 file (digital) to audio (analog). See also AD(C).

This is a term used mainly regarding UNIX processes. A daemon (or demon) is a process that starts and does nothing until it is called by another process or a certain condition is met. For example a HTTP or a SPOOL daemon. See also TSR program.

Daisy Chain
In computer terminology, this refers to connecting one device (usually SCSI) to another device, instead of directly to a computer. In fact, you can daisy chain several SCSI devices to each other, and only one of them needs to be connected to a computer with a SCSI interface for them to be controlled by it.

Daisy Wheel printer
A printer that uses a wheel with all the characters on it to produce output. The wheel spins, and makes an imprint, then spins to go to the next character. It sounds like a little machine gun. These printers generally aren't used much any more due to the decreased cost of other printers that can produce graphics as well as text. The one good thing about a daisy-wheel printer is that the text is generally very crisp.

DAO (Disc at Once)
This is a single-session method of writing data to a CD-R or CD-RW disc that creates a disc in a format suitable for commercial duplication. Basically, the entire disc is written at once in contrast to Track at Once.

DAT (Digital Audio Tape)
This type of magnetic tape at one point threatened to supplant the normal audio cassette with a better quality alternative. Unfortunately, it never really took off due to idiotic licensing issues that kept its price high. However, the small tapes took off big in the computer industry. You can get DAT drives today that hold up to 8 GB of data. Audio DAT tapes are not compatible with data drives.

Information. Any series of bits, characters or objects that has meaning. Data is stored and transmitted by computers.

Data Entry
This describes a job function where the employee is expected to enter data into a computer. Typically, the only technical skill you need for such jobs is typing. Some people use data entry positions to springboard into low-end technical support and head on towards more technical jobs.

Data Mining
This is the act of analyzing a database, or data warehouse, and searching for new facts based on the data. For example a supermarket may mine their customer data, and find that 87% of people that buy tunafish in a can also buy orange juice at the same time. Typically, you mine data for meaningful relationships that you can exploit in business.

Data Warehouse
This is a large database where information is gathered from various online transaction systems. Usually, this information is put together to learn more about customers or customer purchasing habits. Data warehouses are used to learn information that may not be obvious when viewed in one context, but when grouped together in the data warehouse, and properly queried, you can find out useful information. For example, a supermarket may find out that 47% of its customers buy light-bulbs at the same time that they purchase shoelaces.

A databses is a tool for collecting data in a orderly fasion. Data can be sorted and retrieved releatively quick.

This refers to the type of data that is being used in a computer program. Different types of data take up different amounts of space. Some common data types are integer, float (for floating point numbers), or string (for a text string). If a procedure is expecting one data type and it gets another, you usually get an error message or a crash.

Daughter Board
This is a circuit board that plugs into a larger circuit board, or motherboard. Often, processors are contained on daughterboards, along with cache memory. For example, Intel's Pentium II processor shipped on a daughter board that plugs into the Slot 1 on the motherboard. Not to be confused with a sound- or videocard.

This is the name for the connector used for parallel ports on PCs. The connector has a D shape, with a total of 25 pins. 13 pins in the upper row, 12 pins in the lower row. In older PC's, this connector is used for serial ports as well.

This is the name for the connector used for serial ports on PCs. The connector has a D shape, with a total of 9 pins. 5 pins in the upper row, 4 pins in the lower row.

DBA (DataBase Administrator)
This is a person whose job it is to manage databases. A DBA's tasks may include assigning security privileges to the databases, creating and designing databases, and controlling the importing and exporting of data between databases and external sources. The creation and design of databases is a science. You can increase or decrease performance greatly by designing a database properly or improperly.

DC - Direct Current. A power source where the power flows in one direction, and typically has a PLUS and a MINUS. For example a battery. See also AC.

DC (Direct Current)
This is a type of electrical current that moves in one direction at a constant rate. Batteries provide direct current. See also AC.

DCS1800 / GSM1800
DCS1800 is almost identical to GSM, it just uses a different radio frequency. GSM operates the 900 MHz, DCS1800 the 1800 MHz. DCS1800 is also named GSM1800. The higher frequency does allow a higher user density, but offers a shorter transceiver range (thus requires more basestations).

DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
This is a method of exchanging data between applications on MacOS, Windows and OS/2 operating systems. DDE is similar to OLE, but predates it. It enables multiple applications to have access to the same data, such as a word processor and having data from a spreadsheet pasted into it. Changes made in either application to the data are reflected in the other application.

DDR is the common name given to DDR SDRAM (Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory). DDR was originally used in the PC industry for high-end graphic cards. AMD was the first to use DDR memory to revolutionize the performance of desktop PCs. DDR boosts system performance by simply doubling the memory?s data transfer rate. Even with this large boost in performance, it?s so similar in design and manufacturing that it's very close in cost. Compared to Rambus? memory, it?s far more cost effective and has speed advantages in certain types of data retrievals (such as a small amount of specific data). DDR memory is available in several sizes (128, 256, 512MB, etc) and speeds. The following types of DDR memory are used with AMD processors: PC1600 DDR memory uses a 200MHz bus and provides a peak data transfer rate of 1.6GB per second. PC2100 DDR memory uses a 266MHz bus and provides a peak data transfer rate of 2.1GB per second. PC2700 DDR memory uses a 333MHz bus and provides a peak data transfer rate of 2.7GB per second.

DDR Memory
See DDR (SDRam)

DDS (Digital Data Storage)
This refers to a storage standard used with medium cost tape media and tape drives used mainly for small businesses and departmental backups. DDS tapes are the same size and form factor as DAT tapes used to store music digitally on tape media, but DDS media is more robust and more expensive. There are four different DDS standards: DDS-1 through DDS-4. The four standard allow for backup of 2 GB, 4 GB, 12 GB and 20 GBs worth of uncompressed (native) storage respectively. Storage sizes are typically listed as double for compressed data. DDS media is good for up to 10 years, but should not be used for more than 100 backups or it may become unreliable.

Decibel (dB)
This is a logarithmic measure of sound intensity. It is equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of sound intensity to a reference intensity. A rating of 85 dB is loud and prolonged exposure to those sound levels could damage hearing.

Decimal numericsystem
Nummericsystem based on 10 different values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

The process of converting data (for example encoded audio or video like AAC, MP3, DivX, MPEG, etc) back into a form that can be played back.

This is a program that was developed to allow Linux to read DVD movies scrambled with the Content Scrambling System. The writers of the program reverse engineered the CSS scrambling method that the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) uses to prevent playing of DVD movies on unlicensed DVD players. See also CSS, MPAA and reverse enginering.

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. DECT is a standard wireless technique, mostly used for cordless telephony (at home, company, etc). DECT offers a very good sound quality and a good protection against illegal use of the basestations.

Standard and/or factory settings of a device, values in a form, BIOS settings, etc.

Defrag(ment) / Defragmentation
When you defragment a hard drive, you use a software utility to arrange the order of your files so that each file is represented in a physically continuous segment. Defragmentation can improve your hard drive performance because it can read any particular file in a continuous stream instead of jumping here and there around a hard drive to locate each fragment. Fragmentation is caused by removing a file, leaving space. When another file is placed, the computer first tries to fill that space. If the file doesn't fit, the rest of the file is placed elsewhere, thus when reading the file the computer needs to hop to that location which takes time.

This is the act of de-magnetizing a CRT monitor or magnetic media. Using a monitor can cause a build-up of magnetism which distorts the color or clarity of a display. Most new CRT monitors degauss themselves when you turn them on, causing a "twang" sound and a shimmery image for a few seconds. Most new CRT monitors also offer a way to manually degauss your monitor with a button or control. Older displays required an external magnetic device to degauss them. When you degauss magnetic media, you erase all information on it.

This refers to the separation of data elements in a text file by a character or combination of characters. The character that separates the elements is the delimiter. Also see CSV.

Object Oriented Pascal for Windows and Linux (called Kylix) developed by Borland.

DES (Data Encryption Standard)
This is an encryption method developed by IBM in 1977. It uses a private key that is applied to the data. The sender and receiver must each know the private key. Anything encrypted by DES encryption has 72,000,000,000,000,000 (or 72 quadrillion) possible keys. DES encryption has been broken, but it took over 14,000 computers operating in succession to crank through that many codes. New variants of DES are not (yet) cracked, like Triple DES encryption. As usuall, that is just a matter of time.

DFS (Distributed File System)
This is a Microsoft technology introduced in Windows 2000 that allows multiple servers and shared directories on a network to appear as a single network drive.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
This is a method of simplifying the management and organisation of an network by automatically assigning a TCP/IP address to a client. A DHCP server is used to dole out a TCP/IP address to a client that supports DHCP.

DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
This is independently defined by Microsoft and Netscape and implemented in version 4 of their browsers to allow for more dynamic and user-interactive web pages, and better positioning of web elements. Unfortunally, most implementations are a bit off, causing weird anomolies on different browsers.

This is Mitsubishi's answer to Sony's Trinitron CRT tubes. Instead of rectangular pixels, Diamondtron used diamond-shaped ones which supposedly offer crisper text.

Digital implies a value represented by a group of discrete steps. Some claim that digital representations of images and sound are more accurate; others that the translation of analog sounds and pictures into digital representations causes loss in realism. The bonus to digital reproduction is that if done well enough and designed to correct errors, digital reproduction can sound good over a long period of time. Records and tapes are analog, CDs are digital. Play a CD a million times and it should sound the same. Play a record a million times and it will degrade due to the weight of the stylus and the inherent friction involved in analog systems.

Digital Audio Extraction (DAE)
Reading digital audio directly from a CD, DVD or other digital media, as opposed to playing it back and sampling the analog signal. DAE is also called 'ripping'.

Digital Out
Digital Out on your PC or any other sound related equipment refers to an optical or coax based connection for transfering sound digital to a amplifier. This is usually used for encoded audio (Dolby digital - where the source device is not capable of decoding it by itself) or for best quality sound transfer from one device to another.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)
A system that can track and manage listening and ownership of digital content. Microsoft (and other) tend to include such a system on every PC. Some consider this Spy-Ware (spying on what you are doing on your PC).

Digital signature
This is a form of electronic signature that works with a public and private key encryption system and a certificate authority. Using the private key, a person can generate a signature on a document. Using the public key (not the same!) the receiving party can determine that the file has been signed by you.

Digital Surround
See DTS.

DIL Socket
A DIL (Dual InLine) socket is a chip socket based on two rows of an equal amount of pins. Usually a bit of force is needed (carefully) to put a chip in such a socket. The chip must be in a DIL form factor too!

DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module)
Very much like a SIMM except that they are larger and contain more pins. DIMMs are 64-bit memory devices, so you just need a single DIMM for a processer with a 64-bit memory path to work properly. DIMMs are becoming more and more popular.

This is an electronic device with two electrodes / terminals, one called the cathode (-), and the other the anode(+). The diode will conduct current in only one direction, and only when the cathode has been connected to the minus. Diodes are often used as a rectifier to convert AC power to DC, but they have many uses.

Dip Switch
This is one or more switches that are housed rectangular box on a circuit board. The switches are binary in nature, either on or off for each switch. Dip switches were more common on ISA cards, and are often used in place of groups of jumpers.

A set of APIs for Windows 95 and NT that allow programmers to directly access the video controller, allowing for faster graphics response.

This is the name for a logical container for files. Directories were devised to logically organize files so that it is easier for users to locate and deal with them. Without directories, all the files on your hard drive would be in one big listing. When you request a list of files from a computer, you generally only see the files within one directory. Directories can contain files and/or other directories.

A Microsoft technology that works under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.x. Basically, it's a set of APIs that allow programmers to access more directly sound and graphics capabilities of the computer allowing for, among other things, great games.

A disk controller is a little piece of hardware (usually just a single chip) that takes care of data exchange between disk (harddrive, cdrom, dvdrom, etc) and your computer. Data exchange is basically sending the proper commands to the disk, receiving data and putting it to the right location in memory, etc.

Associated with an Eicon Networks ISDN or ADSL modem. System Tray icon which shows you the status of your lines (free, occupied with incoming or outgoing call).

This is a technique used to blend pixels to cause them to appear as an intermediate color that is not displayable due to color depth limitations. It is most often used to blur ugly banding that occurs when a computer image is generated with large shade changes on low color displays, or graphics generated for display on low color displays.

DivX (Copy protection)
This was supposed to be a standard that would offer competition to DVD movies, and allow people to purchase Divx discs that would only be enabled for a couple days of viewing, eliminating the hassle of returning videotapes or DVD movies after you rent them. Divx ultimately failed due to consumer disinterest.

DivX (Movie Codec)
Movie codec - the Divx name has served as a slang term for a form of video compression. At first they used a hacked MPEG-4 codec by Microsoft, but now a days DivX has been build from scratch. The codec is known to compress an entire movie onto one single CDRom with a high quality video (MPEG4), and MP3 audio.

DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
This is a library of procedures that programs can call with input. The DLL produces output related to that input. The main purpose of DLL's used to be that these procedures can be re-used in several applications, thus saving development-time and storage space.

DLT (Digital Linear Tape)
A technology designed by DEC and sold to Quantum used for backing up huge amounts of data (up to 35 GB per tape without compression, 70 GB with compression). The drives are very expensive and so is the media, but they are bulletproof.

Direct Memory Access and Ultra Direct Memory Access. Both terms are used to indicate that the device (for example the IDE/ATA controller of your harddrive) can access memory directly, which makes data transfer from harddrive to computer memory significantly faster. Ultra DMA is just a step faster that regular DMA.

DMG is the file extension for the Macintosh disk image file. Often this is an iamge of a full CD or DVD. Meaning; the content of the original CD or DVD is completely packed in one single file which can be used as a base for restore the CD or DVD on a new CD or DVD. Most DMG files can be converted to ISO using DMG2ISO a little free tool which can be found here: http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/

DMI (Desktop Management Interface)
This is a system that allows computers to send distress signals to a main system on a network. It is a means to detect problems before they crash the computer irrecoverably.

DMI Pool
This refers to the set of data about a computer and its components, including partition data for your hard drive. When a PC boots, it will display the message, "Verifying DMI Pool,". It tells the BIOS where to actually start reading the operating system at system boot.

DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone)
This is a part of a network that is protected by a firewall, but may be accessed by external Internet clients. So basically; this part of the network is protected for the outer world, but within the network, you can do whatever you like.

DNS (Domain Name Server)
A protocol used in the Internet (or intranet) that translates a domain-name to an IP-address. For example www.something.com (which is a domain-name) needs to be translated to a particular IP-address ( so your computer knows which computer to approach. We use this because people simply remember names better.

DNS cache poisoning
DNS cache poising is a way of modifying the DNS data on your PC. The intend being that if you enter a link in your browser, that it will direct you to a different website than th one you intended to go to. Commonly used to steal your personal data. See also: DNS, Pharming. Microsoft offers a patch to solve this possible hazard: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241352/EN-US/

Docking Station
A device into which a laptop connects to gain functionality it has sacrificed for portability.

Docking Station
A docking station is used to hookup a laptop, organzier, MP3-player or digital camera for example to the powersupply, computer or network etc. to gain functionality it has sacrificed for portability.

Dolby Digital
Audio system developed specifically for movies. This system is capable of handling 5 audio channels and 1 subwoofer channel (so a total of 6 channels).

Dolby Digital 5.1
See DTS.

Dolby Digital Decoder
Hardware capable of decoding Dolby-Digital signals to the 6 audio channels supported by Dolby Digital.

Domain (name)
This term describes the Internet's addressing scheme, and also a security construct in Windows NT. For the Internet, domains are represented by domain names such as WeetHet.nl. These domains are mapped to TCP/IP addresses by DNS servers so that browsers can find websites. Under Windows NT, domains are groups of server and client machines that exist in the same security structure.

This is the slang term for external hardware device with some memory inside it that attaches to your computer and dangles off of it (thus the term dongle). Often, companies that sell expensive software packages use dongles as proof that a computer actually has a license to use the software that is being used. The software checks to see if a dongle is installed. If not, it may refuse to run, or run with limited features.

DoS (Denial of Service)
This is a type of network attack that attempts to render a network or Internet resource useless to users. It may be e-mail services, or it could be access to a particular website. The methods of attack vary, but the end result is that a resource is unavailable.

DOS (Disk Operating System)
This OS is what got it all started for PCs. It was produced by Microsoft and was a 16-bit operating system, designed to run on 16-bit chips. It was still used for years on 32-bit chips. Today, you can find a similar command line interface in all Windows products for quick and easy mouse-less file manipulation.

Dot Com (.com)
This literally refers to the suffix of a domain name intended to be used for websites associated with companies. Figuratively, "dot com" is used often by investors to describe companies which are Internet based.

Dot Matrix Printer
This type of printer prints out little dots that can form graphics or characters. This type of printer was popular a while back because the only other choice was a daisy-wheel printer that didn't print any graphics. These printers are generally loud, producing a high-pitched buzzing sound, and they don't produce very good graphics. It's hardly ever used anymore.

Dot Pitch
The smaller the better, as it relates to monitors. The dot pitch is a measure of distance between phosphor dots of the same color on a CRT monitor. A high dot pitch generally produces a blurred and unclear picture. Smaller dot pitches produce a sharper, crisper image that stands up to close examination. There is contention on how the dot pitch should be measured, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, resulting in some monitor makers reporting the lowest rating as their official dot pitch. Take it with a grain of salt.

Double Buffering
This shows you that the graphics engine uses two layers, or buffers, to produce an image: one for display and one for rendering. Since the viewer only sees the finished image, this allows for smooth-motion animation. (Again, play Quake and watch as the background "jumps" across the screen as you turn your character.)

The action of transferring data from a remote computer to your local machine.

Trick to reduce the number of audio channels. For example, to downmix stereo to mono. Both stereo channels (left and right) are merged together to one single channel.

This refers to the downloading (receiving) of data from the Internet to a client machine. Downstream speeds are typically greater than upstream speeds in high speed consumer Internet connections such as cable modems and ADSL.

DPI (Dots Per Inch)
Most often, this term is used to describe printer resolution. If a printer is said to print at 300 dpi, it will be capable of printing 300 dots horizontally and 300 dots vertically over a square inch. Thus, if you have a printer with a higher dpi value, you should have a crisper image. Besides printers, dpi is often discussed when referring to flat panel displays. As flat panel technology increases, you get a higher dpi value, and thus can display a larger image in a smaller space, without losing any detail.

Dynamic Power Management Architecture.

This is diagnostic software that runs automatically in Windows NT / Windows 2000 and can be turned on in Windows 98. Dr. Watson takes over when a program crashes and writes a snapshot of information about the crash to disk.

DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
This is the most common form of computer memory. It needs to be continually refreshed in order to properly hold data, thus the term "dynamic."

DRDRAM (Direct Rambus DRAM)
Competitor to DDR SDRAM, DRDRAM (also now simply called RDRAM) was originally developed by Rambus, Inc. This RAM architecture is capable of speeds starting at 266, 356 and 400MHz, and transfers data on the up and down ticks of a clock cycle, where standard SDRAM tops out at about 200 MHz. You may see RDRAM referred to at 532, 712 and 800MHz.

Drive Bay
Usually a 5.25"-wide, or 3.5" wide hole in a computer case, suitable for the installation of some sort of drive. Some are exposed so that a removable drive (e.g., floppy, CD-ROM) can fit.

Driver / Device Driver
It's a piece of software that tells an operating system how to communicate with a device. It's probably the most essential part to have for hardware to work properly.

This is the part of a laser printer that the laser produces an electrostatic image onto. The drum is then rolled in toner and that toner is transferred to paper with pressure and heat. Most drums are coated with selenium for it's electrical properties. Selenium is a nonmetallic element in the sulfur family, and it allows the drum to hold a charge and attract toner.

Older version of VXD. Used in Windows as a virtual device driver. See VXD.

Digital Subscriber Line see also ADSL. DSL is a communication-technique which allows high speed data transfer over copper wires of an existing phone line (either PSTN or ISDN). DSL has the same up- and download speeds, unlike ADSL where upload speed is lower than the download speed. However, most people refer to ADSL as DSL which is not specific enough.

Digital SLR, a digital camera based on the same technique as used in an SLR camera. see SLR.

DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
A DSP is a microprocessor designed to work with analog signals such as video or audio that have been digitally encoded. The DSP then takes these digital representations and performs operations on them. DSPs are used in video, sound, and modem technology.

DSTN (Double-layer SuperTwist Nematic)
This is a form of passive matrix LCD screen. It is an improved version of the standard supertwist nematic passive matrix LCD screen where the display is divided into two sections and addressed separately to deal with slow switching speeds that result in poor visibility. See also passive matrix.

Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. Technique that uses tones to translate the numbers you pressed on your phone to dial to electrical signals that can be handled by the phone company.

DTS (Digital Theater Systems)
This is a form of encoding and decoding surround sound first used in 1993 in the film Jurassic Park. It features six discrete channels of audio with 5 standard speaker channels and one subwoofer channel called Dolby Digital 5.1. DTS can work along with THX speaker certification and placement to create a top quality audio experience, or it can work separately.

DTV (Digital TeleVision)

Dual boot
This describes a system that can boot to two different operating systems. Some OSs, such as Windows NT and OS/2, allow for dual booting when installed. Of course, you can also use other methods such as commercial programs that install a special boot partition that is capable of launching operating systems from other partitions. You can also boot to more than two operating systems on the same machine.

Dual Core
Dual Core is a phrase used to indicate that a processor (CPU) has 2 cores. Compared to a regular more classic CPU that has only one core for executing operations. With the proper operating system (like Linux, Windows NT/2000/XP) and software (multithreading support is needed for optimal performance) this will definitly increase performance. Some CPUs need additional drivers for the operating system to properly support them, like for the AMD Athlon X2 series (see www.amd.com).

Refers to a passive matrix LCD screen that uses a better method of displaying graphics, producing a sharper, more vivid image than normal passive matrix screens.

Digital Video. Commonly also refers to the format used with DV or mini-DV camcorders. The video/audio is stored digitally on tape, and commonly can be copied to or from a computer using a firewire (IEEE1344) connection. DV playback on a PC does require a DV-codec.

Digital Video Broadcasting . A coherent set of European standards for transmission and reception of digital television signals and even internet data via satellite, cable or terrestrial means, developed under the auspices of the Digital Video Broadcasting project and formalised by the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI). Although European, the standards have been adopted in many countries worldwide. There are many standards within the DVB family, including specifications for satellite (DVB-S), cable (DVB-C) and terrestrial (DVB-T) transmission and reception.

PCI card for your PC that can receive DVB signals (see DVB). Commonly used for Video broadcasts (like TV) or Internet Data.

DVD (Digital Versatile/Video Disc)
Much like a CD-ROM except that it stores up to 12 times as much data. DVD is the successor to CD-ROM technology. DVD discs are the same size physically as CD-ROM discs, but hold between 4.7 - 18 GB of data. The first wave of DVD drives were read-only devices, but newer versions work with rewriteable media. DVD's are suitable for Audio, Video and Computer Data.

DVD decoder
A DVD decoder is software, hardware, or a combination of both that can convert DVD to video you can watch. Actually, its a MPEG2 decoder.

DVD Decrypter
DVD's are usually encrypted using an encryption system called CSS, to prevent making illegal copies of the DVD. A DVD decrypter is a tool that removes this encryption (for example: SmartRipper).

DVD Encoder
A DVD Encoder is either software or hardware, or a combination of both to encode video to DVD format. This common expression refers actually to a MPEG2 encoder.

This standard is to DVD-ROM like CD-R is to CD-ROM. This is the most compatible format around. It is said that at least 95% of the current DVD equipment can playback these discs.

This standard reads standard DVD-ROM discs, and reads and writes to DVD+RW media. The DVD+RW media is said to be the more compatible one for existing DVD players.

DVD standard (based on DVD+R) which is kind-a like the multisession standard for CDR's. It allows you to add video's at a later time. Normally, when you create a DVD+R, you cannot add any video after the burning process has been complete. Note: Most current DVD players cannot work with this format!

This standard is to DVD-ROM like CD-R is to CD-ROM. This used to be the most compatible format around. It is said that at least 90% of the current DVD equipment can playback these discs.

The DVD-RAM standard uses media that can be written and read multiple times, like RAM chips. The media holds 2.6Gigs worth of data per side, and must be manually flipped over to access the other side. DVD-RAM drives can read standard DVD disks, but need a special caddy to hold the disks. DVD-RAM media is shaped like the caddy, and cannot be inserted into standard DVD drives.

This standard adds onto the technology of the DVD-R standard, and features media that can be read and written to multiple times, with a 4.7Gig capacity.

DVD standard (based on DVD-R) which is kind-a like the multisession standard for CDR's. It allows you to add video's at a later time. Normally, when you create a DVD+R, you cannot add any video after the burning process has been complete. Note: Most current DVD players cannot work with this format!

DVI (Digital Video Interface)
This is a connection standard for linking a video card and a display that requires a digital signal, such as an LCD panel. Analog video signals can also be used with the DVI interface. It has 24 pins, 12 for each channel. A single channel can 1600x1200 resolution at 60Hz. Dual channels can do 2048x1536 or even higher resolutions.

Dynamic IP Address
An IP that is submitted to change. Basically this is when you use DHPC, the IP address will be assigned to a particular PC each time it is booted (and connected to the network). The IP address of that particular PC can be different each time it reboots (does not have to be, but can be different).

Dynamic Lighting
A method of lightning in computer imaging to make things look more realistic.

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