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Updates and News

News and Updates

MMS for the (old) iPhone ID:652 - Jun 29, 2009 [16:08]

iPhone 3.0 + small hack makes it work...
The 2G iPhone (the first model) does not seem to have MMS enabled when installing OS 3.0. Nice move Apple,... thanks for rewarding our loyalty like that ...

A simple hack fixes this issue ... go visit the Hackint0sh forum and see how it is done.

T-Mobile USA settings:

Settings/General/Network/Cellular Data
(note that Cellular Data APN and MMS APN must be the same or it will not save.)

Cellular Data settings

* APN: wap.voicestream.com
* Username: (leave blank)
* Password: (leave blank)

MMS settings

* APN: wap.voicestream.com
* Username: (leave blank)
* Password: (leave blank)
* MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
* MMS Proxy:
* MMS Max Message Size: (leave blank)
* MMS UA Prof URL: (leave blank)

After a reboot it worked like a charm on mine ...

  hackint0sh Mail this link (MMS for the (old) iPhone) to a friend!

Google Picasa FINALLY for the Mac! ID:651 - Feb 05, 2009 [23:11]

It took a LONG time, but here it is ...
Finally after waiting pretty much forever ... the great Picasa photo application is available for Mac user for free of course ...

  Picasa for Mac Mail this link (Google Picasa FINALLY for the Mac!) to a friend!

VisualHub discontinued ID:650 - Oct 04, 2008 [11:39]

The Mac Video converter is no more ...
TechEpansion discontinues one of their greates products: VisualHub, for unknown reasons.

Unfortunately, older/current versions cannot be downloaded anymore (Google is your friend).

Registered users might want to read the backup instructions:

In order to get VisualHub working if you need to switch computers, you need to back up two things:

1: VisualHub itself
2: The conversion engine

To back up the conversion engine, Copy the folder at:
/Library/Application Support/Techspansion/

...for good measure, you can also back up your Preferences file, containing your registration info in case you lose the original purchase e-mail. It is at:

Do not forget to copy the VisualHub app from your Applications folder as well :)

As far as I can tell, VisualHub 1.34 will continue to work up to and through Snow Leopard. I obviously cannot predict the future and what Apple will do, though.

  TechExpansion website Mail this link (VisualHub discontinued) to a friend!

Picasa 3.0 is coming! ID:649 - Sep 05, 2008 [08:31]

Plenty of new features ...
Picasa, Googles free picture manage and edit application, has become available in the versie 3.0 (currently beta).

Considering the huge amount of new features (making movies, adding watermarks, etc), I would highly recommend giving this one a try.

  Picasa Mail this link (Picasa 3.0 is coming!) to a friend!

Again, a new browser in the game ... ID:648 - Sep 02, 2008 [23:12]

This time one from Google: Chrome
Google is launching a browser of their own in the already fairly full browser market (although; there is plenty of improvement possible).

WebKit is used as the base engine, and the application is intended to by compact and fast ...

Well, well see about that right? ;)

  Google Chrome Mail this link (Again, a new browser in the game ...) to a friend!

iPhone, iTouch, and iPhone 3G hack updat ID:647 - Aug 09, 2008 [17:02]

Also jailbreaks/unlocks iPhone 2.1.0
The iPhone-Dev team did it again, this time they released a new version of Pwnage (2.0.2) which comes with some important options:

- support for firmware 2.1.0 (iPhones, incl jailbreak)
- unlock 1st gen iPhones
- Beta version of Installer (besides Cydia and AppStore of course)

What this tool does is basically modifying ispw files (firmware file as used by iTunes) and then guide you through the process of uploading this to your iPhone or iTouch.

It is easy ... but read carefully!

  iPhone-Dev Blog Mail this link (iPhone, iTouch, and iPhone 3G hack updat) to a friend!

DivX Project Rémoulade ID:646 - Jul 13, 2008 [11:42]

h.264 becomes fact
DivX, already around for 10 years now, is moving on to the next level by integrating the h.264 codec in to the DivX codec. Currently only supporting playback, makes us wonder what the future might bring ...

Independent tests seem to prove that the new h.264 support (for playback) in the DivX codec is already faster and more efficient that comparable h.264 codecs.

  DivX Labs Mail this link (DivX Project Rémoulade) to a friend!

Build your own Wall-E ID:645 - Jun 07, 2008 [13:24]

Wall-E robot for at home
On the website of Instructables they posted a 50 step (in great detail and it seems to be cheap to do) tutorial on how to build your own Wall-E robot ...

Very cool!

  Instructables Mail this link (Build your own Wall-E) to a friend!

Firefox 3.0 Release Candiate 2 available ID:644 - Jun 07, 2008 [09:43]

Firefox faster and smoother ...
Release candidate 2 of the new Firefox is avialable for download! Not just faster but also a lot smoother!

- This will overwrite existing Firefox installations.
- This version will still have minor bugs ...

  Firefox betas Mail this link (Firefox 3.0 Release Candiate 2 available) to a friend!

WeetHet this months website ID:643 - Mar 01, 2008 [10:59]

at Free4all
Free4all gave this months honors to be website of the month to Weethet.

Free4all is a Dutch website with interesting info, lins, and tips,...

  Free4All Mail this link (WeetHet this months website) to a friend!





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